▶ 調査レポート


• 英文タイトル:Japan Astrology Market Overview, 2030

Japan Astrology Market Overview, 2030「占星術の日本市場展望(~2030年)」(市場規模、市場予測)調査レポートです。• レポートコード:MRC-BF03-032
• 出版社/出版日:Bonafide Research / 2025年2月
• レポート形態:英文、PDF、68ページ
• 納品方法:Eメール
• 産業分類:消費財・サービス -> サービス
• 販売価格(消費税別)
  Single User(1名様閲覧用、印刷不可)¥357,700 (USD2,450)▷ お問い合わせ
  Corporate License(閲覧人数無制限、印刷可)¥503,700 (USD3,450)▷ お問い合わせ
• ご注文方法:お問い合わせフォーム記入又はEメールでご連絡ください。
• お支払方法:銀行振込(納品後、ご請求書送付)


Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「日本の占星術市場の概要、2030年」によると、日本の占星術市場は2025-30年までに1億9000万米ドル以上になると予測されています。この市場を牽引しているのは、主にテクノロジーの統合が進んでいることと、個別化された占星術サービスへの需要が高まっていることです。近年、占星術はニッチな実践から、特にモバイルアプリやオンラインプラットフォームを通じてガイダンスを求める若い聴衆の間で、より主流な活動へと進化しています。2024年現在、占星術のコンテンツとサービスは、人気のメッセージング・アプリであるLINEのようなプラットフォームや、パーソナライズされたホロスコープ・リーディング、相性テスト、毎日の予測を提供するAstro GoldやCo-Starのようなモバイル・アプリを通じて、大きな人気を集めています。これらのプラットフォームは、デジタル消費へのシフトを活用し、市場成長の重要な原動力となっています。日本の占星術市場の主なプレーヤーには、ホロスコープ・ジャパンやJyakurei.comのような企業があり、ホロスコープ・リーディングを提供するだけでなく、書籍、お守り、護符などの占星術商品も販売しています。これらのプラットフォームは、しばしばインフルエンサーや人気コンテンツクリエイターとコラボレートして、リーチを拡大し、若い視聴者とエンゲージしています。一方、占星術師は、主にインスタグラム、ツイッター、TikTokなどのソーシャルメディア・チャンネルを通じて、潜在顧客を惹きつけるために、毎日の簡単なホロスコープや個人的なリーディングを提供しています。インフルエンサーマーケティングや、美容、ウェルネス、ライフスタイルブランドとのコラボレーションは、この業界の成長トレンドになりつつあります。COVID-19の流行は日本の占星術市場に大きな影響を及ぼし、当初は戸締まりや社会的距離を置く措置のために物理的な相談が落ち込みました。しかし、不確実な時代に人々が慰めと導きを求めたため、オンライン相談への需要が急増し、バーチャル占星術サービスの成長を牽引しました。日本で占星術に関連する主な場所には、陰陽道修行の歴史的意義で知られる京都や、デジタル占星術サービスの本社が集中している東京があります。占星術師は通常、アプリやウェブサイトを通じて、個人向けの占い、月ごとの定期購読、または1回限りの相談を通じて、リードを有料顧客に変えます。最新の業界ニュースでは、占星術における人工知能(AI)の台頭が指摘されており、各社はユーザー体験を向上させるためにAI主導の予測を取り入れています。



– 歴史的年:2019年
– 基準年2024
– 推定年2025
– 予測年2030

– 占星術市場の価値とセグメント別予測
– 様々な促進要因と課題
– 進行中のトレンドと開発
– 注目企業
– 戦略的提言

– 占星術コンサルティング
– ホロスコープ予測サービス
– 数秘術
– タロットカードリーディング
– ヴェーダ占星術(インド中心)
– 西洋占星術(出生図)

– オフライン(実店舗、占星術師)
– オンラインプラットフォームとアプリ

– 個人
– 法人/ビジネス





3.1. 二次調査
3.2. 一次データ収集
3.3. 市場形成と検証
3.4. レポート作成、品質チェック、納品
5.1. 市場促進要因と機会
5.2. 市場の阻害要因と課題
5.3. 市場動向
5.5. サプライチェーン分析
5.6. 政策と規制の枠組み
6.1. 市場規模(金額別
7.1. 日本占星術市場:サービスタイプ別
7.1.1. 日本占星術市場規模:占星術コンサルティング別、2019年~2030年
7.1.2. 日本占星術市場規模:ホロスコープ予測サービス別、2019年-2030年
7.1.3. 日本占星術市場規模:数秘術別、2019-2030年
7.1.4. 日本占星術市場規模:タロットカード占い別、2019年-2030年
7.1.5. 日本占星術市場規模:ヴェーダ占星術(インド中心)別、2019年-2030年
7.1.6. 日本占星術市場規模:西洋占星術(出生図)別、2019-2030年
7.2. 日本占星術市場:提供チャネル別
7.2.1. 日本占星術市場規模:オフライン(実店舗、占星術師)別、2019年-2030年
7.2.2. 日本占星術市場規模:オンラインプラットフォーム、アプリ別、2019年〜2030年
7.3. 日本占星術市場:エンドユーザー別
7.3.2. 日本占星術市場規模:法人/ビジネス別、2019年-2030年
7.4.2. 日本占星術市場規模:東地域別、2019-2030年
7.4.3. 日本占星術市場規模:西日本別、2019-2030年
8.1. サービスタイプ別、2025年〜2030年
8.3. エンドユーザー別、2025年〜2030年
9.1. ポーターの5つの力
9.2. 企業プロフィール
9.2.1. 企業1 会社概要 会社概要 財務ハイライト 地理的インサイト 事業セグメントと業績 製品ポートフォリオ 主要役員 戦略的な動きと展開




表4:日本の占星術市場規模・予測:エンドユーザー別(2019年~2030F) (単位:百万米ドル)

The astrology market in Japan has evolved significantly over the years, contributing to its global recognition. Astrology, which has deep roots in various cultures, arrived in Japan with influences from China, Korea, and India during the 6th century. Initially intertwined with traditional practices like Shinto and Buddhism, it gradually evolved into distinct systems, notably the "Onmyodo" (the way of Yin-Yang) in the Heian period. In modern times, astrology in Japan is a well-embedded cultural phenomenon that blends both ancient wisdom and contemporary practices. In essence, astrology in Japan is the study of celestial bodies’ positions and their influence on human affairs. It serves as a tool for self-understanding, decision-making, and guidance in personal matters, relationships, career, and health. The market includes various forms of astrology such as Western astrology, Chinese astrology, and Japanese-specific forms like "Jyakurei" (animal signs), "Onmyodo," and even numerology. The need for astrology arises from the Japanese search for stability and insight in an unpredictable world. Astrology offers comfort, guidance, and practical solutions to emotional, spiritual, and psychological concerns. People seek advice on everything from daily decisions to major life changes, often consulting astrologers via online platforms, apps, or in-person visits. Astrology content is primarily delivered through astrology books, websites, TV programs, mobile apps, and social media channels. These resources provide daily, monthly, and yearly horoscopes, personalized readings, and even compatibility assessments for couples. While no formal regulatory body exists for astrologers in Japan, the market is largely unregulated, and anyone can practice astrology without certification. However, some private institutions offer courses to help budding astrologers hone their skills. Technological advancements have played a pivotal role in the growth of this market, especially through the rise of mobile applications and online platforms. With these tools, astrology has become more accessible, with users receiving instant readings, personalized predictions, and real-time consultations. Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are now being integrated into astrology services to provide even more accurate and tailored guidance. The younger generation in Japan, while generally more skeptical, still engages with astrology, driven by its entertainment value and the search for a deeper connection with self and others.

According to the research report, "Japan Astrology Market Overview, 2030," published by Bonafide Research, the Japan Astrology market is anticipated to add to more than USD 190 Million by 2025–30. It is driven primarily by the increasing integration of technology and the growing demand for personalized astrology services. In recent years, astrology has evolved from a niche practice to a more mainstream activity, especially among younger audiences seeking guidance through mobile apps and online platforms. As of 2024, astrology content and services are gaining massive traction through platforms like LINE, a popular messaging app, and mobile apps like Astro Gold and Co-Star, which offer personalized horoscope readings, compatibility tests, and daily predictions. These platforms have become a key driver of market growth, capitalizing on the shift toward digital consumption. Major players in the Japanese astrology market include companies like Horoscope Japan and Jyakurei.com, who not only provide horoscope readings but also sell astrological products such as books, charms, and talismans. These platforms often collaborate with influencers and popular content creators to expand their reach and engage with younger audiences. Astrologers, in turn, are promoting themselves primarily through social media channels such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, where they offer brief daily horoscopes and personal readings to attract potential clients. Influencer marketing and collaborations with beauty, wellness, and lifestyle brands are becoming a growing trend in the industry. The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the astrology market in Japan, initially causing a dip in physical consultations due to lockdowns and social distancing measures. However, the demand for online consultations surged as people sought solace and guidance in uncertain times, driving the growth of virtual astrology services. Key locations in Japan associated with astrology include Kyoto, known for its historical significance in Onmyodo practices, and Tokyo, where a concentration of digital astrology services are headquartered. Astrologers typically convert leads into paying clients through personalized readings, monthly subscriptions, or one-time consultations, often facilitated through apps or websites. The latest industry news points to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in astrology, with companies incorporating AI-driven predictions to enhance user experiences.

Astrological consulting services are the largest and most prominent segment of the astrology market in Japan, offering personalized guidance to individuals seeking answers to life's challenges. These services are typically performed by astrologers who analyze birth charts, planetary positions, and astrological cycles to provide in-depth readings on topics like relationships, career, and personal growth. The connection between astrologers and clients is often facilitated through phone calls, video consultations, or messaging apps like LINE, where users can receive personalized advice in real-time. Sub-services within astrological consulting include compatibility readings, life purpose insights, and future predictions, all tailored to the individual’s astrological profile. The sources for these services include both traditional knowledge passed down through generations and modern software that helps astrologers generate accurate readings based on astronomical data. What makes astrological consulting different from other services is its focus on providing highly personalized, one-on-one advice rather than general predictions, which creates a deeper connection between the client and astrologer. Horoscope forecasting services, on the other hand, are the fastest-growing segment, particularly due to the increasing demand for daily or monthly horoscopes delivered directly to users via apps or websites. These services are often automated, using algorithms that analyze planetary movements to generate forecasts for individuals based on their zodiac sign or birth chart. Users connect to these services through mobile apps, social media pages, or websites, where they can access daily, weekly, or monthly horoscopes, as well as more specialized readings like love and career forecasts. Sub-services within horoscope forecasting include personalized horoscopes based on one's exact birth data, love compatibility reports, and financial outlooks. The primary resources for these services are digital platforms, software applications, and astrological databases. Numerology, tarot card reading, and Vedic astrology, often influenced by Indian practices, are also significant in the Japanese market. Numerology, which focuses on the mystical significance of numbers, is commonly used to guide individuals on important life decisions such as name selection, marriage, or career changes. Tarot card readings, a popular subservice, involve the use of tarot cards to interpret messages from the subconscious and predict future events. Vedic astrology, rooted in ancient Indian traditions, is performed using complex charts based on lunar and planetary positions at the time of one’s birth, with astrologers offering insights into life paths, health, and wealth.

In Japan, the astrology market has seen substantial growth driven by the rise of online platforms and mobile apps, with digital services becoming the primary mode of delivery, particularly in urban centers like Tokyo and Osaka. One of the most popular platforms is LINE Horoscope, accessible via Japan's widely-used messaging app LINE, where users receive daily horoscopes, personalized readings, and predictions. It provides users with convenient and real-time updates, offering compatibility reports, love forecasts, and personalized insights, all delivered in a simple, engaging format directly through the app. Another major platform is AstroVision, a Japanese astrology app known for its detailed astrology readings based on users’ birth charts and zodiac signs. This platform is popular among younger consumers, who seek immediate astrological guidance through mobile apps for everything from relationship advice to personal growth. The Co-Star app, although American, has found a substantial following in Japan by offering detailed, AI-powered astrology readings that are synced to users' personal birth charts, delivering daily updates and horoscopes tailored to individual needs. The appeal of these platforms lies in their accessibility and convenience, allowing users to get astrological guidance anytime, anywhere. Despite the surge in online astrology services, traditional offline platforms still remain vital in Japan. In cities like Kyoto and Tokyo, renowned astrologers operate out of physical stores and temples, offering face-to-face consultations and readings. Kōbō-ji, a famous temple in Kyoto, for instance, provides spiritual services, including astrology consultations based on Onmyōdō, a traditional Japanese method of divination. These in-person consultations remain particularly popular among older generations who value the personal connection and trust developed with astrologers. The users of astrology services in Japan are predominantly personal consumers, but the corporate sector is growing quickly. Personal users seek astrology for guidance in relationships, career choices, and health, often turning to digital platforms for daily insights and personalized reports. Millennials and Gen Z are especially inclined to engage with astrology as a form of self-exploration and emotional support. Corporate clients, however, are increasingly utilizing astrology for strategic decision-making, such as timing business launches, choosing auspicious dates for meetings, and assessing compatibility in partnerships.

Considered in this report
• Historic Year: 2019
• Base year: 2024
• Estimated year: 2025
• Forecast year: 2030

Aspects covered in this report
• Astrology Market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Service Type
• Astrological Consulting
• Horoscope Forecasting Services
• Numerology
• Tarot Card Reading
• Vedic Astrology (India-centric)
• Western Astrology (Birth Charts)

By Delivery Channel
• Offline (Physical stores, astrologers)
• Online Platforms and Apps

By End User
• Personal
• Corporate/Business

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and listing out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual report of companies, analyzing the government generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducted trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we have started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to agriculture industry, government bodies and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.