❖ QYResearch(QYリサーチ)社の概要
QYResearch established in 2007, focus on custom research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, data base and seminar services. the company owned a large basic data base (such as National Bureau of statistics database, Customs import and export database, Industry Association Database etc), experts resources (included energy automotive chemical medical ICT consumer goods etc industries experts who own more than 10 years experiences on marketing or R&D), professional survey team (the team member with more than 3 years market survey experience and more than 2 years depth expert interview experience),Excellent data analysis team (SPSS statistics and PPT graphics process team); QYResearch has always pursuit product quality, adhere to the quality is the soul of business. Through the companys years of effort and a lot of customer support, QYResearch consulting group creative design method of many high-quality markets investigation and research team with rich experience. Today, QYResearch brand has become the consulting industry with quality assurance consulting brand. The company has 2500 global well-known customers, covering energy automobile pharmaceutical chemical agriculture more than 30 industries, services from the data analysis and recommendations-Consulting landing one-stop solution, and research regions cover China,US,EU,Asia,Middle East and Africa,South America,Australia,etc Global all regions,and also built research or marketing center in China USA UK France Hongkong etc regions. currently, QYResearch has become the first choice and worth trusted consulting brand in Global and China business consulting services.
❖ QYResearch(QYリサーチ)社のグローバル拠点
North America
South America
Brazil: 00556131810478
India: 00911140469822
Singapore: 006531582122
❖ QYResearch(QYリサーチ)社の人気レポート
- 世界のヘビードープシリコンウェーハ市場(~2028年):6インチ、8インチ、その他
- 繊維の世界市場2024
- 世界の携帯型鼻咽頭内視鏡市場(~2028年):耳鏡、喉頭鏡、副鼻腔鏡
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- 世界の食品・飲料用蓋フィルム市場(~2028年):単層膜、二層膜、多層膜
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- 世界の産業用自動カートニングマシン市場(~2028年):横型カートニングマシン、縦型カートニングマシン
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- 自動乾燥チャンネルの世界市場2024
- ナイトビジョン熱画像単眼鏡の世界市場2024
- 世界のEコマース用自動包装システム市場(~2028年):全自動、半自動
- 世界のエンベデッドトレース基板市場(~2028年):2層、3層、4層
- 電子インク・ペーストの世界市場2024
- 世界の応急処置圧迫包帯市場(~2028年):スパンデックス、コットン、PBT、不織布、その他
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- 世界のディーゼル燃料品質分析キット市場(~2028年):微粒子、沈殿物、微生物、その他
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- 世界の不凍液サーモスタット市場(~2028年):3mキャピラリー式、6mキャピラリー式、12mキャピラリー式、その他
- 世界の実験室検査用マッフル炉市場(~2028年):チャンバー炉、管状炉、るつぼ炉
- 世界のFPCポリイミド(PI)カバーレイ市場(~2028年):透明タイプ、非透明タイプ